Monday, August 18, 2008

14 days - no computer....and I'm chilled

I'm back working today....sort of....after two weeks of Cyprus sun.

We stayed on a five star resort - definitely the subject for a separate posting when I'm more awake - and the sun shone, and shone, and shone.

For the first time in eight years I left my laptop at home and didn't even splash out the 10 Euro a day to use the in-room Internet facility. So I came back to 759 emails today...of which about 150 were actually worth reading, and, following an overnight flight, have spent this afternoon slowly coming back up to speed.

I'm tired now, but relaxed too and actually looking forward to getting stuck into work properly tomorrow.

Holiday time has to be downtime: time to unwind and leave work far, far away. It has really worked for me this time round. The world didn't crash and burn; the work's still out there and life moved effortlessly on without me having to check out emails on the hour every hour.

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