Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Communication confidence is crashing

Some scary figures on the latest poll on the CiB website......And perhaps the scariest is that 3.8% of those people polled feel very secure in their jobs!

While it's sad to see that 13.3% of people polled have already lost their jobs in this recession (there's now a network of more than 100 'resting' communicators already on Linkedin), the concern is that 40% of respondents are feeling insecure about their jobs.

The poll asked: How secure do you feel in your job compared with 12 months ago?

About the same 24.6%
Quite insecure 21.3%
Quite secure 18.5%
Very insecure 18.5%
Have been made redundant 13.3%
Very secure 3.8%

At times like this, great communication, great engagement and great leadership are all vital for business. Yet our industry leaders haven't got the confidence to make their communicators feel secure. Is that because they still don't understand the value of effective organisational communication, or is it because some of our communicators are being shown up as lacking the skills necessary to thrive in a tough environment? I suspect it's a combination of the two - and the next few months will be very telling.

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