Monday, January 05, 2009

Just another manic Monday....err, not yet

The world is very slowly getting back into gear with the first working week of 2009.....but it has started pretty slowly out this way. The snow's falling, the kids aren't yet back at school and all seems quiet in semi-rural Bucks.

It seems that way in London too - I've a few emails out to clients, but no replies yet as they struggle into work to pick up the threads after what has been for many, a two-week break.

I need to start earning my keep fairly promptly this month. The last three months of 2008 were pretty tricky and I reckon my income was about 30 per cent down. At least I had income - but the fun this week will be two fold: first getting payment for work done in November/December, and second turning all the possible work opportunities into reality. Thankfully, the last week before Christmas threw up a number of potential assignments - training for a private client and also through CiB; the next stage on an on-going sales transformation project; the opportunity to do some writing for a hotel group and more writing both for one of my existing magazines and for one I picked up only in December. Now's the time to find out how solid these pieces are - and get out and do 'em.

As ever, I'm raring to go - I just reckon it'll take my clients a day or so longer to get into the swing of this work lark. Anyway, 'til then I can watch the snow swirl around. It's very pretty!

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