Monday, March 31, 2008

I can take the horses to water.....

After weeks of work being on top of me, I think I'm finally getting on top of all the projects currently staring at me from my white board.
One magazine has just gone to bed; I've finished two case studies; the video project appears on track; the other regular magazine is manageable and the other irregulars are behaving....mostly.
But what's abundantly clear is that corporate communication remains a low priority for those not working directly in it. Getting people to contribute to my most recent publication was, at times. excruciating. And pretty much across all my projects, getting people to agree to an interview; be on the end of a phone when they say they will - and especially, sign-off copy when it's written, has become a hugely time and energy consuming business.
My job, very often, is to make other people look good through the words I use. I'll pull out all the stops to make that happen - but it's a two-way relationship.
I can take the horses to water, but at the moment, it's getting harder to get them to walk on it!

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