Sunday, August 14, 2005

And now I'm back...

...not from outer space, but from a great break in Ireland.

It's rare to go to a place that truly matches - or even surpasses - expectations, but Kilmokea House, nestled on the Wexford/Waterford border managed it majestically. My latest non-professional picture was taken in Kilmokea's renowned gardens.

We've had a week and a bit of lazing, eating too much, playing a bit of tennis, driving around Leinster too much (with a couple of forays into Munster) - and celebrating Sophie turning five.

Last night was a bit of a downer on the way home. The ferry was two hours late in which meant sitting on the Rosslare quayside from before five until about half eight in the evening. Luckily we managed to wangle a free upgrade out of Stena, but still didn't hit the road until nearly half eleven at night (I hate reversing down steep ramps on ferries...!). Some 238 miles later we arrived home just shy of 3.30 this morning.

I'm knackered now, but am stress free and raring to go.....after a dad and son bonding day at the cricket tomorrow.

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